Graduating from university is a significant milestone filled with a sense of achievement and the hope of a promising future. Yet, this excitement is often followed by the challenging task of finding your first job.  

Starting your professional journey can be intimidating, and it is normal to feel both excited and nervous. But you are not on this journey alone, many graduates go through the exact same process.  

Six things I learnt about life after university. Source: What Uni? 

At Prosperity, we bring over two decades of experience helping Irish college graduates find their first jobs, whether in Ireland, across Europe, or internationally.  

In this guide, we will provide you with essential information to prepare for your job search. It will offer practical insights and guidance to help you transition smoothly from academia to the professional world.  

We understand the unique challenges you may encounter during this period, and this article serves as a support to navigate the path towards your career goals.  

Reflect on your priorities  

Before beginning your job search journey, it is essential to pause and reflect on your priorities. Take the time to consider your career aspirations and how they align with your personal values and ambitions.  

What kind of work excites you? What are your non-negotiables when it comes to your future job? Reflecting on these questions will not only help you clarify your goals but also provide you with a solid foundation as you transition from academia to the professional world.  

Get your public image in order 

In today's digital age, it is essential to establish an online presence to connect with potential employers, recruiters, and talent scouts. To ensure your LinkedIn profile is comprehensive, make sure it includes details about your educational background, any early career experiences you may have, as well as information about your language skills, certifications, and completed courses. 

14 LinkedIn Profile Summaries That We Love (And How to Boost Your Own). Source: LinkedIn Talent Blog. 

Moreover, you need to make sure your CV is up-to-date and reflects your skills, experience and the value you would potentially be bringing to a company. Maintaining a good CV is crucial for several reasons: 

  • First Impressions: It is your first impression to potential employers, making it essential to stand out. 
  • Tailoring: You can customize it for specific job applications, improving your chances of scoring a role. 
  • Time-Efficiency: Saves time by being ready to apply for opportunities instantly. 
  • Quantifiable Achievements: Allows you to add quantifiable achievements over time. 

Evaluate growing industries, and high growth companies 

Evaluating growing industries and high-growth companies becomes a pivotal step in your job search strategy. By identifying industries that are on an upward trajectory and companies experiencing rapid growth, you can target opportunities with substantial potential for career advancement.  

Fate of Ireland’s tech boom is about more than tax. Source: Knight Frank. 

Researching these sectors allows you to align your skills and aspirations with markets that are not only stable but also offer room for personal and professional development.  

Additionally, focusing on high-growth companies enables you to tap into environments where innovation, learning, and advancement are often prioritized, increasing your chances of securing a rewarding position that aligns with your career goals. 

List companies you would like to work for 

In the realm of career aspirations, many individuals have dreams of working for companies that are not just employers but also symbols of innovation and success. Whether it is tech giants like Apple or Google, pioneers in electric vehicles like Tesla, or entertainment conglomerates like Disney, such organizations are revered for their global influence and famous products or services.  

Company names infographic

Company names: full list. Source: Techspot.  

While seeking a job, you should list out the companies that you would like to work for and check their requirements. This not only helps you narrow down your focus but also allows you to tailor your efforts towards roles that align with your aspirations.  

Once you have your list, it is essential to research each company's requirements and expectations. By understanding what these organizations value in their candidates, you can better tailor your application materials and interview responses. 

Send focused applications rather than applying en masse 

When navigating the job market, it is often more effective to send spontaneous applications to companies you are genuinely interested in rather than adopting a 'quantity over quality' approach by applying en masse, if that is in the realm of possibility for you.  

Tailoring your application to roles that genuinely pique your interest demonstrates your commitment and passion for the specific organization and role. This targeted approach allows you to craft a more personalized and compelling application, highlighting your alignment with the company's values and mission. 

Follow up with your applications 

In the competitive job market, it is essential to recognize that recruiters are often overwhelmed with applications. Following up on your applications can be a crucial step in ensuring your candidacy is not lost in the shuffle.  

A polite and timely follow-up email or call demonstrates your continued interest in the position and the organization, reaffirming your enthusiasm for the role. It also allows you to address any questions or concerns the hiring team may have, showcasing your proactive communication skills. However, follow-ups should be respectful and not overly persistent; it is important to strike a balance. 

Build a pipeline and measure your process 

Developing a systematic job search strategy and tracking your progress is essential when seeking employment. Building a job search pipeline involves breaking down the process into manageable steps, such as researching potential employers, tailoring your resume and cover letter, networking, and submitting applications.  

By creating this structured approach, you can better measure your job search progress. Keep records of the positions you have applied for, interview invitations, and any follow-up actions required. 

Getting a job after college can be tough, almost like having a full-time job already. But here is the deal: if you stick with it, stay patient, keep pushing, and practice your job-seeking skills, you will start seeing opportunities roll in. 

Do not be discouraged by rejections or setbacks; they are a part of the game, teaching you valuable lessons along the way. And do not hesitate to tap into the wisdom of mentors or career advisors who can help you fine-tune your job search strategy. 


If you are seeking a job in digital or need assistance with your recruitment efforts, check out our website!

If you want to know more about the recruitment process at Prosperity get in touch!  

Moreover, if you are looking for guidance on salaries, download our 2024 Salary Survey